at Amarillo College
We need you!
We are a nonprofit organization supported financially by many area congregations of the churches of Christ. We also accept financial support from individuals by way of either monthly contributions or special contributions; or as as memorial donations. Your help is greatly appreciated.
This Campus Ministry depends on individuals like YOU! Your prayers and financial support enable us to reach Texas area college students and young professionals coming from all parts of the world. AC students graduate and move on carrying the Good News wherever they go! Only God knows how this Campus Ministry will impact future generations and leaders for Jesus!
Please help support the Amarillo Bible Chair in this mission effort! Questions can be directed to Mural Worthey at 804-852-0515 (cell), or 806-877-2489 (office).
Mail donations to:
Amarillo Bible Chair
c/o Bell Avenue Church of Christ
1600 Bell St
Amarillo, TX 79106